Thanks for checking out my portfolio! Below are some of the software engineering and informatics projects I've completed during my studies at UC Irvine, hackathons, and professional career.
A cross-platform mobile app dedicated to helping digital nomads plan their next adventure.
UX design
A mobile app for UCI students to easily sell, give away, and purchase items.
user testing
A five-point sentiment tracker, a novel widget created for a project course at UCI using SVG.js library.
A mobile app that facilitates community discussions around skin heatlh.
A mobile social networking and company-reviewing platform focused on empowering minority groups in tech.
Angular webapp that allows users to browse Spotify and view data on tracks, artists, and albums.
Sociotechnical ethnography on food trucks in the post-lockdown era of the pandemic.
CSCW project focused on crisis management during California wildfires.
A project in HCI that aimed to design a software system that encourages college students to cook more at home.